
Vancouver Hair Salons: Business and Tax Tips – Part 2

The following blog post is a continuation on my previous blog post Vancouver Hair Salons: Business and Tax Tips – Part 1. If you’d like to catch up, please take a moment to review it.

Hair Salon Industry Analysis

In the hair salon industry, image and trends matter. Talented Vancouver hair stylists are a must, but the industry is too competitive. From my experience as a Vancouver Chartered Accountant serving different hair salons, I have found that in order for Vancouver hair salons to survive in this challenging environment, marketing is a must. The hair salon itself needs to create an image and culture that will attract and retain new young clients.

The Consumer Decision Making Process

New clients are very prospective and use all the research tools available (Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, and salon websites) to help them find a hair salon/hair dresser with whom they can establish a long term relationship. Like an online dating profile, it is up to the business to determine which customers they want to attract and tailor their “online image” towards them. What kinds of clients do you want? What are their lifestyle attributes?

Website and Social Media Tips

  • If the industry is trendy, the website should also reflect this.
  • Use the digital mediums to provide snapshots, evidence and testimonials of the salon’s trendy culture.
  • Use photos (example – before and after photos) on websites and social media to showcase your product and style.
  • Create stylist profiles, include their talents/specialties, and provide stories of the stylists.
  • Promote your products and provide relevant information.
  • Provide hair styling tips and techniques.
  • Use of videos is prevalent for this industry; jump on board and create your own or share those of others that speak to your salon’s style
  • Ask clients to write reviews on Yelp, Facebook, Google+, or provide testimonials through Twitter.

Classic Marketing Tools That Work

  • Word of mouth referral
  • Networking
  • Talent contests
  • Promotional discounts

Regardless of industry, all small businesses need to rethink how their target market(s) make purchasing decisions in the age of readily available digital information. Digital marketing generally presents a business with cost-effective ways to market their products and services, but these mediums require human resources in order to stay current and engaging. Once accepted and incorporated into the business plan, the business owner should be able to leverage digital mediums appropriately and reap the benefits they can produce.

At Mew & Company, Chartered Accountants, located in Vancouver, we provide business consulting and corporate tax solutions to business owners. Contact us if you have questions or if we can help you out in any way.

Disclaimer: All Rights Reserved for Mew & Company. This blog post is designed to provide information for personal use only. Please consult your professional tax advisor for further information. Mew & Company is not responsible for any legal disputes resulting form the content of this blog post.